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4.3. Options File

Disponible en español: Carpeta de Opciones

Applies to:
Palisade network software 6.x/7.x/8.x

Finding and Editing the Options File

To view or edit the options file, open Server Manager and click Open .LIC FOLDER. The options file is in that folder and is called Palisade.opt.

You can edit it with Notepad or any plain-text editor, but first make a backup in another location. Special rules for editing:

After you save the options file, click Refresh in Server Manager to make the license service read the new options. (Stopping and restarting the service will also reread the options file, but a refresh is sufficient.)

Maximum Allowed Borrowing Period

Server Manager writes one or more lines beginning MAX_BORROW_HOURS to the options file. A feature where borrowing is not allowed will have MAX_BORROW_HOURS set to zero; a feature where borrowing is allowed will have MAX_BORROW_HOURS set to 24×(1+maximum days to borrow).

You should not edit the MAX_BORROW_HOURS lines yourself. Instead, click Options in Server Manager and set the maximum borrowing period there. See Borrowing (Concurrent Network Only).

Specifying a File for License Log

By default, all logging information is written to a single file: C:\ProgramData\FNP\FLEXlm\PalisadeService.log

It’s easiest to look at this file by clicking View in Server Manager.

This log file actually merges two streams, the lmgrd log and the vendor daemon log. You can tell which is which by the (lmgrd) or (palisade) prefix on each line. You can redirect the vendor daemon log, which contains license checkouts and checkins, to a different location by specifying it in the options file:

DEBUGLOG +"c:\full\path\to\file.log"

The directory must be a location where the Palisade License Service is allowed to write. Notice this service is usually run by the Local Service account. This change is effective after you stop and restart the license service in Server Manager. You don’t have to create the file yourself; the license service creates it if it doesn’t exist and appends to it if it does.

If you redirect the vendor daemon log to a separate file in this way, please note:

The Advanced Options » View command of Server Manager 8.x will not display the separate vendor daemon log file.

See also: Monitoring Network License Usage

Last edited: 2024-04-26

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