Home → Troubleshooting → Installation → "Error 1316. A network error occurred" in StatTools 5.5 install
Applies to: StatTools 5.5
(For a similar error with any 5.7 network installer, please see Server Install (5.7): "A network error occurred while attempting to read from the file ...". For this error with 6.x, please see "A network error occurred" in a 6.x/7.x install.)
While installing StatTools, I get this error message:
Error 1316. A network error occurred while attempting to read from the file C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data\Local Cache\...\StatTools 5.0 for Excel, Industrial Edition.msi
The Microsoft Windows Installer Cleanup Utility may be able to repair this condition; please contact Technical Support at support@palisade.com for a download link and instructions.
last edited: 2009-12-31