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Installing Palisade 6.x/7.x/8.x Standalone Software
1.1. Installing Palisade 6.x/7.x/8.x Standalone Software
Applies to:
All products, releases 6.x/7.x/8.x, individual commercial license
All products, releases 6.x/7.x/8.x, individual academic (faculty/staff) license
All products, releases 6.x/7.x/8.x, individual student version bought directly from Palisade
All products, trial version
Does not apply to:
Concurrent Network Client
Enterprise Network Client
Course license
Software that comes with textbook
If you already have a the software installed and just want to activate it, there's no need to reinstall. Launch the software. If License Manager doesn't come up spontaneously, click Help » License Manager. Click Activate and follow the prompts on your screen.
If the software isn't on your computer, or if you're reinstalling to solve a problem, follow this procedure:
- If you received a live link in email, click or double-click it. If you received a link as plain text, highlight it with your mouse, press Ctrl+C, click into the location window of your browser, and press Ctrl+V followed by the Enter key.

- The download might start automatically, or you might get a prompt first. If you get a prompt, select Save, not Run or Open.
- When the download finishes, press Ctrl+J to open your downloads list. In Chrome, click Show in Folder; in Firefox, right-click the first entry and select Open Containing Folder.

- Right-click the name of the installer program, which matches the last part of the link you received, and select Run as Administrator. If you don't have that option, an IT person will need to do the installation for you.

- When prompted, choose your installation language and accept the license terms.
- On the Customer Information screen, in the bottom half, please take a moment to make the right choice for your situation:

- Installing a trial version? Leave the selection at "I want to activate a 15-day, fully-featured trial."
- Already have a license on this computer? Select "I am upgrading or reinstalling." This prevents the installer from installing a trial license that would mask the activated license you already have. Yes, you can get back the activated license if that happens, but it would be an extra step.
- Installing purchased software? You can activate it during installation by selecting "I want to activate a license" and pasting the Activation ID in the box. Or, you can leave the selection at "I want to activate a 15-day, fully-featured trial" and activate the software later. If you have any doubt about the stability of the computer, or if you're not connected to the Internet, we recommend you install a trial now and activate later.
- When you click Next, the installation should proceed without further action by you.
If you chose "I want to activate", the installer will try to activate the Activation ID you enter. If you get a popup later in the installation, "Setup was unable to activate the Activation ID", just click OK and the installation will proceed. After you get the Setup Completed screen, see "Setup was unable to activate the Activation ID ..." for your next steps.

- When you see the Setup Completed screen, click Finish.
See also:
Additional keywords: Install standalone, Standalone install, Download and install
Last edited: 2020-03-23