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1.9. Which Version of Excel Am I Running?

Tech Support wants to know which version of Excel I'm running, and whether it's 32-bit or 64-bit Excel. How do I find that?

There are different menu selections for this in the different versions of Excel, but you can also get clues from the appearance of Excel. Just follow along with this questionnaire.

  1. Do you see old-style menus, as opposed to the new ribbon? Then you are running Excel 2003 or earlier, and it is 32-bit Excel. (@RISK 7 does not run in Excel 2003. @RISK 6 does, but not in earlier Excels. See the full compatibility matrix.)

  2. Is there a round "Office button" at the top left of the Excel window, as opposed to the word File? Then you are running 32-bit Excel 2007.

  3. Does the word FILE, in all capitals, appear at the top left of the Excel window? Then you are running Excel 2013. To find whether it is 32-bit or 64-bit Excel, click FILE » Account » About Excel, and look at the top line of the "About Microsoft Excel" box that opens.

  4. Otherwise, click File in the ribbon, and look at the selections that appear under File.

    • If you see Account under File, you are running Excel 2016. To find whether it is 32-bit or 64-bit Excel, click Account » About Excel, and look at the top line of the untitled box that opens.
    • If you don't have Account under File, you are running Excel 2010. Click Help under File, and look at the first line under "About Microsoft Excel" to find whether you're running 32-bit or 64-bit Excel 2010.

See also: Microsoft's documents What version of Office am I using? and Find details for other versions of Office.

Last edited: 2016-04-26

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