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HomeNetwork GuideClient SetupScripting the Client Install

2.3. Scripting the Client Install

Disponible en español: Automatización de la Instalación de los clientes de red

Applies to MSI installer for:
Concurrent Network client software 6.x/7.x, including Course License network clients
Enterprise Network client software 6.x/7.x
Concurrent Network Client Software 8.x

How can I script the Concurrent Network or Enterprise Network client install?

For SCCM installs or other forms of scripting, you probably want an MSI installer. Please contact Palisade Technical Support to request one, and please include your serial number with your request. When you get the link, make certain that the file includes “-cust-” in its name.

Your script must install the prerequisite software before installing our software from an MSI installer. See

For the client install, you will need the Palisade_NetworkClient.ini file as described in Server Step 4: Create Palisade_NetworkClient.ini File. That file should be in a local folder, not necessarily the same folder with the installer. The following commands use C:\TEMP; please substitute the actual folder that contains the Palisade_NetworkClient.ini file.

  • With user interface:
    msiexec /i installername.msi SETUPEXEDIR=C:\TEMP

  • Without user interface (silent install):
    msiexec /i installername.msi SETUPEXEDIR=C:\TEMP /qn USERNAME="firstname lastname" COMPANYNAME="company"

Specify user name and company name as you wish them to appear on the software’s About screen.

Either way, replace C:\TEMP following SETUPEXEDIR with the actual folder that contains Palisade_NetworkClient.ini. Guidelines for the SETUPEXEDIR folder:

  • The folder can be different from the folder where the installer MSI file is located, but it should still be on the local computer.

  • UNC path names are not recommended. The local SYSTEM account used by SCCM is typically unable to resolve UNC paths.

  • Avoid special characters like @ in path names.

  • Even spaces in the path might be a problem. We have had one report that the path cannot contain spaces, even if quoted, but possibly that failure was actually due to another issue.

The attended install has a checkbox for putting shortcuts on the desktop. To suppress those desktop shortcuts (equivalent to removing the check mark from the box), add the DTOPSHORTCUTS=0 parameter:

msiexec /i installername.msi SETUPEXEDIR=C:\TEMP /qn USERNAME="firstname`lastname" COMPANYNAME="company" DTOPSHORTCUTS=0

See also: Silent install of Non-English Software.

Last edited: 2020-03-28

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