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HomeTroubleshooting@RISK Developer Kit (RDK)"RDK authorization invalid"

15.1. "RDK authorization invalid"

This article relates to discontinued products, but is retained for the benefit of our customers with existing licenses. For current information, please see Support Policy for RDK, BDK, EDK, and RODK.

Applies to:
@RISK Developer's Kit (RDK) 4.0 and 4.1

While running a simulation from my RDK application, I get this error message:

Error in RDKX module when calling a method of the DLL interface of the RDK or BDK, error number: 73, error description: RDK authorization invalid

You are running too many users at once.

This could be because there are actually too many users, or because of a bug in your application code.  If you look at RDK code examples, you'll see that RDKApplication.Initialize calls are followed by matching RDKApplication.Free calls.  If you make a number of "Initialize" calls without making the corresponding "Free" calls, that will be treated like multiple users running simulations at the same time.  If you have a license for 1 concurrent user, making two RDKApplication.Initialize calls is not possible if the RDKApplication.Free call is not made.

You may have some process on your server or computer that no longer shows any windows, but is holding on to an RDK license "token".  If you can reboot the machine, that should take care of the problem, but of course you'll also need to add the necessary RDKApplication.Free call to your application code. 

last edited: 2014-01-22

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