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HomeStandalone LicensesActivation (5.x/4.x/1.x)Changing a 5.x Standalone Copy to a Concurrent Network Client

3.7. Changing a 5.x Standalone Copy to a Concurrent Network Client

Applies to:  Palisade software releases 5.x
(If you have 6.x software, please see Changing a 6.x Standalone Copy to a Concurrent Network Client.)

I have a user with an installed trial version, or an activated standalone version. How can I add that user to my Concurrent Network?

Yes, you can. Be aware that, after you convert a standalone copy to a network client, that user will need to be connected to your network to run the software. (There is a provision for temporary off-network use; see the "Borrowing" section of your network readme file.)

There are two methods to make the change: reinstall with the network information, or edit the System Registry. Either method can be done at the computer or via remote login.

Method 1: Reinstallation

  1. On the user's workstation, log on to Windows as a full administrator.

  2. Click Start » All Programs » Palisade DecisionTools » Palisade License Manager. If you see an activated license, write down the Activation ID and then deactivate it by the Automatic or Manual procedure. Do not proceed until you have deactivated the license and received a success message.

  3. Close the License Manager.

  4. There is no need to uninstall the standalone copy. Reinstall the software, but this time ensure that you have the Client.ini file in the same folder as the installer .exe program during the install.

Method 2: Registry Edit

  1. You will need the server name and the communications port number. The easiest way to get these is to look at the System Registry key HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\FLEXlm License Manager\PALISADE_LICENSE_FILE in an existing client. However, you can also get them from the server:

    • The server name is the Computer/Hostname from the System Settings tab of LMTools.
    • Look at the license file on the server. On the Server line, there are two or three fields after the word SERVER: a host name (possibly "this_host"), an Ethernet address (possibly "any"), and an optional communications port number. If no communications port number appears, then server and client negotiate one dynamically.
  2. On the user's workstation, log on to Windows as a full administrator.

  3. Click Start » All Programs » Palisade DecisionTools » Palisade License Manager. If you see an activated license, write down the Activation ID and then deactivate it by the Automatic or Manual procedure. Do not proceed until you have deactivated the license and received a success message..

  4. Close the License Manager.

  5. Open the System Registry and navigate to this key:
                HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\FLEXlm License Manager\PALISADE_LICENSE_FILE
    If you have 64-bit Windows, navigate to this key instead:
                HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\WOW6432Node\FLEXlm License Manager\PALISADE_LICENSE_FILE

  6. Change the key to the form portnumber@servername, such as
    If there was no port number on the SERVER line in the license file, specify @servername only, such as
    Either way, the @ sign is required.

  7. Now run the software, and it will get a network license if one is available. If no network license is available, or if the client cannot communicate with the server, the software wil not run.

On the server, to see when a given client starts and stops using the network license, run LMTools and on the Config Services tab click View Log.

Last edited: 2013-02-28

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