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HomeTechniques and Tips@RISK for Project 4.xRanking Sensitivities by Correlation instead of Regression Coefficients

12.5. Ranking Sensitivities by Correlation instead of Regression Coefficients

Applies to:
@RISK for Project 4.x

The default sensitivity analysis is based on regression coefficients, but I would like the tasks ranked by correlation coefficients. How can I accomplish that?

Tornado graphs display a ranking of the tasks. The input distributions that have the largest impact on the output will have the longest bars in the graph. By default, the length of the bar shown for each input distribution is based on the regression coefficients.

If you just want the coefficients as numbers, you get them automatically in Quick Reports and also in the Sensitivity report. But if you @RISK to arrange the inputs in order of impact as measured by correlation coefficient, you have two options:

last edited: 2013-01-15

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