Home → Troubleshooting → @RISK for Excel: Other Issues → #VALUE Errors in Place of Distribution Functions
Applies to: @RISK 8.2 onward
I am getting a #VALUE! error in the cell after defining a distribution. What is the reason for the error?
From version 8.2 onward there are more details available to describe what is causing this error message. The error will be from one of four types:
Missing value - there is a parameter that has not been assigned a value
Invalid value - for example, maximum parameter value is smaller than most likely parameter value
Invalid Type - for example, text instead of number
Missing value & Invalid value - there is a parameter that has not been assigned a value, and a parameter is using the wrong data type.
Error warning and explanations are displayed in four places:
Define Distribution Window - there will be a yellow triangle with an ! in it next to the parameter causing the problem. Hovering over this symbol will give the reason that the error is being flagged.
Model List - The warning symbol will be to the left of the distribution affected. Hovering over will give the explanation(s). If you have a large number of distributions in the model, then there is a button called Issues View at the bottom to filter the ones with issues in them.
Excel Status Bar - Click on the cell with the #VALUE! error. At the bottom of the Excel window there will be text saying the argument causing the problem, and an explanation.
Results Summary Window - The warning symbol will be to the left of the distribution affected. Hovering over will give the explanation(s). If you have a large number of distributions in the model, then there is a button called Issues View at the bottom to filter the ones with issues in them.
Last edited: 2021-07-23