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HomeTechniques and Tips@RISK Simulation: Graphical ResultsExcel Themes in @RISK Graphs and Reports

7.20. Excel Themes in @RISK Graphs and Reports

Applies to: @RISK 7.5 or newer

How do I get @RISK graphs and reports to use Excel themes?

@RISK's own windows are formatted by @RISK and don't use themes. When you use the Chart in Excel command to place a graph in an Excel worksheet, you can choose Excel format, or Image (Picture in some dialogs). Choose Excel format, and then the graph in the Excel sheet will update automatically when you change themes.

Here are some hints for particular reports:

Custom Reports: When choosing each custom report, choose Edit and change the format from Image to Excel Format. @RISK will remember this as a default, so you won't have to change this for the same report in other workbooks. Tables in Custom Reports always use Excel themes for fonts and colors; graphs in Custom Reports will use Excel themes if the graph is in Excel format.

Quick Reports: Tables always use Excel themes for fonts and colors. Graphs are always images (static pictures) and will not respond to Excel theme changes.

RiskResultsGraph: The fourth argument (Excel format) must be TRUE, and in addition you must set a System Registry key. Under HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Palisade\@RISK for Excel\7.0\Application Settings\Reports, create a string value GraphThemeOrStandardColor if it doesn't already exists. If the data for that string value is Theme, and you've specified Excel format in RiskResultsGraph, then the generated graph will use Excel themes. If the string value is set to StandardColor (or the GraphThemeOrStandardColor string value doesn't exist), then the generated graph will use standard colors and will not respond to Excel theme changes. Even without that string value in the System Registry, if you selected Excel format in RiskResultsGraph then you can use all of Excel's graph editing tools on the generated graph. If you didn't select Excel format in RiskResultsGraph, then @RISK generates a static image and it can't be edited.

Graphs you create in VBA: Use the ChartInExcelFormatEx or ChartInExcelFormatEx2 method of the RiskGraph object. These new functions are not yet documented, but a simple example workbook is attached to this article. When writing your own code, use Visual Basic Editor's auto-complete to help you fill in the function arguments.

Last edited: 2017-02-02


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